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99% of people do not know how to maintain the vending machine!

Vending machine, as the name suggests, is a machine that sells goods automatically. I'm sure everyone is no stranger to vending machines. Vending machines have been developed in different country for more than a decade, at the beginning, the machines only appear in a very few first-tier cities such as airport stations and other venues, and nowadays, in the first and second-tier cities in various lanes and streets, they are visible everywhere. The development of this can be described as a leap change.

A vending machine, if properly maintained, then its life expectancy can generally reach more than ten years. However, because most operators do not know how to maintain the machine, which leads to a significant reduction in the service life of the machine, which leads to a significant reduction in profits. Let's say you and the old king bought a vending machine, a vending machine a year profit of 20,000 dollar, your machine due to the lack of maintenance, only five years of use on the "end of life. While the old king but regular maintenance of the machine, his machine used for ten years. So a simple calculation, in a machine, the Peter can earn more than you 100,000. This shows how important it is to properly maintain the machine.

So how to maintain the vending machine? First of all, to regularly wipe the dust on the surface of our machines with a dry towel, it is recommended that once every half month. If the dust is too thick to wipe clean, then use distilled water with neutral detergent, then use a towel dipped in solvent, then wipe clean. Next is the inside of our machine, the interior should also be wiped regularly, it is recommended that once a month wipe. Also wipe with a dry towel, if the wipe is not clean, then distilled water with neutral detergent, then a towel dipped in solvent, and then wipe clean. Never use mineral water, because mineral water is rich in positive and negative ions, which then
leads to short circuiting of the electronic board.

For vending machine maintenance sharing, that's it. If you still do not understand the maintenance, you can contact us again, we will give the most professional response to your questions.