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How to operate a vending machine for beginners

Today a customer said that he saw vending machines everywhere on the street, feel that this product is a very good business opportunity, also want to buy a few machines for their own operations, but suffer from no contact with vending machines, do not know how to operate, and asked me for advice on how to operate. So I'm here, to what he shared, but also to tell you.

At first, I asked him about his specific situation and learned that he had never been in contact with the vending machine market, suggesting that it would be best for him to start with a snack and beverage machine at first. Because of the wide audience of snack beverage machine customers, and the price of snack machines is generally not very high, the first in the case of insufficient funds, snack beverage machine is a faster payback time relative to other models of products. This is conducive to the principal back into the repurchase expansion. In the early stage, it is recommended that the vending machine as a side business to operate, which is conducive to risk control. At a later stage, after the vending machine is profitable and the capital is sufficient, then consider repurchasing the product and expanding the range of placement, and operating the vending machine as a main business.

After this, I asked him if he had cooperated with merchandise channels and suggested that he find his own merchandise partners. The reason is that the product is much lower when cooperating with a channel merchant on its own than looking for an agent to buy goods. And suggested that he first look for commodity channel merchants, and then contact us after finding them, and we then recommend the most suitable machine to him according to his requirements. Then help him to find the right spot to put, this is the most cost-saving way.

Finally, I told him that if he did not know anything about the product and operation, he should come to our official website to see the product information and message information, and if he is not clear, he can consult us again, and we will give him the most professional answer.

Young people need to be cautious when starting a business, we wishes all investors who want to start a business, business success!

How to operate a vending machine for beginners-